Sunday 15 October 2017


People with mobility issues have a long battle to fight, even with the most commonplace of tasks like taking a bath. Regular bathtubs have that ultra-perilous overstep that requires a user to lift their leg around 20 inches above the ground, just so they can climb in or out. Then follows the task of getting down and into the water in a tub that doesn’t have anything to hold onto, just so they can steady themselves and save a fall. Imagine having to do all this when you are unsure on your feet or not strong enough to even stand and sit without assistance. No – a regular bathtub just won’t do here. Enter Walk-in bathtubs. Designed to help improve the quality of life of ageing seniors or people facing mobility challenges and disabilities, these bathroom fixtures help ensure that their pride, independence, safety, and comfort levels are preserved, especially in daily tasks like bathing and hygiene maintenance. Let’s explore 3 of the most prominent safety features that come part and parcel with walk-in bathtubs and see how useful they will be for you:

Easy accessibility

Omitting that 20 inches overstep entirely; walk-in bathtubs have a fully functional door that allows a user to step in or out of the tub with ease. Doors are usually located towards the front or side of the tub and can be of a swing-in or swing-out design, depending upon the comfort needs of the user. The floor of the tub is also made to be slip resistant, just to enhance the safety of the users and prevent accidents further.

Comfortable seating

For a mobility challenged user, having to crouch down and get into the water in a regular tub is virtually impossible. Some choose to place a chair inside the tub to resolve this problem which happens to be an even riskier alternative, not to mention painfully uncomfortable because the water in the tub will be blow the user’s knee. Instead, walk-in bathtubs have a built-in seat and high walls that usually reach near shoulder height of a sitting user. This ensures that the bathing person can sit inside the tub comfortably and safely without having to bend down or fold knees more than necessary and have water at the right level to bathe properly.

Add-on features

To help maintain independent use and for ensuring additional safety, walk-in tubs come equipped with strong safety bars and grip handles which a user can take support of while standing or sitting. They also allow the user to steady themselves in case they ever lose balance or are unsure of their footing. Bathing fixtures like the tap, shower hose, and water jets are also made to be adjustable and are placed within easy reach for additional comfort.

All in all, these tubs check-out on all the factors that a mobility challenged user might need to take care of their bathing needs with safety and convenience. What more can you ask for!

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